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IC Power Group (ICPG)

Manufacturer representatives

ICPG is committed to bridging the gap between foreign manufacturers and local end-users through a "total solutions" concept that meet both the requirements of our customer and vendor partners.

Though not a new concept, we believe it is during the implementation that many falter and we excel. We challenge you to expect nothing less from us... today and tomorrow.

We achieve our goals through:

  • A global vision addressing key existing and emerging markets
  • Identifying new products and technologies with outstanding growth potential
  • Offering innovative, leading-edge solutions in a synergistic manner

Our services to our customers:

  • Local engineering and design-in focus
  • Materials handling/value-added services BOM, JIT, MRP, special packaging
  • Quality control and assurance
  • Manufacturer warranties and ESD compliance

Our services to our principals/suppliers:

  • Strategic partnerships with emerging, growth-oriented principals
  • Fast entry into new markets
  • Deep penetration into target customer programs through local sales and engineering support
  • Streamlined logistics and communications
  • Single point-of-contact to international markets
  • Cultural sensitivity and flexibility when representing foreign principals